This year, for the very first time, we decided to have our own stand at MIDO. We were very excited and seeing so many people again, after the restrictions of the past couple of years, made it even more rewarding.
And while MIDO has come to an end, the excitement has stayed with us. Because the experience and people we met conveyed such energy.
«Mido was a revelation. We had never had our own stand before. It’s not the same thing as going as a visitor. It isn’t easy but if you make an effort, you get results. And our result was greater than anything we could ever have imagined: it helped us strengthen our relationships with both our old and new clients and co-workers too. It was a chance to relate to them outside the office, where they felt they could open up and speak more freely. I discovered a new, interesting and great side to all these people. It was a real eye-opener. Meeting up and learning more about each another makes relations easier and more natural.»
Lara Franzoia, General Manager & New Business D.F.
It was our first time exhibiting at MIDO, so was important to present the two sides of our business which, like the two poles on a battery, generate that energy and dynamism you need to innovate.
On the one hand, D.F. is a laboratory which takes ideas and comes up with ways to execute them. On the other, D.F. is a manufacturer, so has to meet market demands, produce large volumes, be cost-effective and respect deadlines.
LAB and ENGINEERING are the two pillars of a bridge which links ideas with manufacturing first-class eyewear parts.
«It was fascinating to see a different side of Mido; illuminating actually for people like us who spend most of their day bent over machines, pieces and moulds. We saw people we normally only ever talk to on the phone and putting a face to a voice is important, it allows the relationship to grow. This is what trade shows are really about. Mido is a great opportunity to meet up.»
Andrea Scopel, Technical Office Manager D.F.
«It was a new experience, it’s great to meet clients you haven’t seen before or who you rarely see. Connecting with people in a more informal environment is important for all personal relationships, which are the foundation of any working relationship built on trust. Attending, and being seen to attend, gives added value to everything you do.»
Sergio Franzoia, Technical Director D.F.
We love sitting round the table with people, sharing ideas and putting our heads together to turn them into something real. We like to build direct relationships, with no intermediaries.
Maybe this is why we decided to explore new avenues. To exhibit at MIDO. To write and tell stories, ours and yours, and to share them on our blog.
«I’m pleased with how it went. We met lots of people, some we didn’t know and clients we hadn’t seen for ages. You could tell everyone was keen to meet up again, after two years when the only people you saw were your neighbours or people on video calls. Human contact, the chance to show our products and discuss projects are completely different in person. Everyone appeared to be happy to be there. And I really appreciated my co-workers. Experiences like this bring you together as a team. It gave us a chance to show ourselves, and our clients, what we do».
Valeria Marchetti, Executive Support Officer D.F.